

“These pages are about intuitively exploring ways to produce architectures that make sense, retracing research by design started back in the nineteen-eighties, when the term research was still hardly used in architecture. It is not a theory, although discourse is part of it. It is a potpourri: as a distractive reader you may stumble upon things like one does in a reclamation yard or in a ‘brocante’ – some hidden or dusty, others just waiting for you… It took a long time and a PhD to ‘get’ what it was all about. These para-professional projects – some called them paper architecture or installations, others theoretical baloney, were done with various enthusiastic professionals, academics and students, many in Geneva with Bruce Dunning. Are you interested in rational processes, in colour and architecture? you might then enjoy the pieces done with Bob Slutzky. Something eerily uncanny about Peter Eisenman? Find out about his lesser known intuitive skills. What about architecture as backward archaeology? Would a link between pornography and architecture inspire you? Why are skid and defaulting repressed structuring phenomena for architecture? This is an interdisciplinary hypertext, almost arbitrarily doing, making and writing similar things over and over again. Until reaching the awareness that architecture is just about natures and birth, about quality and care.”

Pieter Versteegh, Psyché, Fribourg 2016

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